In-depth interviews with local design talents.

    SLHL: Tell us a bit about your background in the cabinetry business.

    Keith: I started as a young man as a second-generation kitchen cabinet manufacturer. My first assignment was in sales...

    Give us a short, three-sentence bio about yourself.

    Jenny: I am very fortunate to have a life filled with close family and wonderful friends, as well as a successful and rewarding business...

    SLHL: How did you get started in this business?

    Peter: I purchased the business 12 years ago from the original owner. Throughout many years working in manufacturing-related positions such...

    SLHL: How did you get started?

    Ladd: I started working with my parents doing projects around the house. Though neither of them was trained in construction, this time was very beneficial for...

    What is your design style/philosophy?

    Donna: Good architectural design enhances our daily lives in ways that we wouldn't necessarily predict or expect.  My goal is to provide the most cost-...

    What is your design style/philosophy?  

    Bob: I choose to listen to my clients’ desires and offer them assistance in making important and educated decisions on how to create their own...

    What is your design style/philosophy?

    William: A home should be inviting, comfortable, beautiful and logical. Rather than seeing the entire house from the front door, the curious explorer...

    What is your design style/philosophy?

    Gigi: I believe design should be timeless while being functional and comfortable, whether it's traditional, modern or something in between. Each client...

    What is your design style/philosophy?

    Mike: I always identify the client's taste and desire to provide a finished product that melds with the architecture of the home or building.


    What does it take to deliver exceptional design?

    Robert: Surrounding yourself with a team that is smarter than you and shares your vision. This group dynamic encourages everyone to grow,...

    SLHL: What are the benefits of being the third generation of this company?

    Nathan and Matt: Since we grew up working for the company, we were able to work on every aspect and level of the...


    Michelle Jessup has more than 30 years experience in floral design, thanks to a creative grandmother who encouraged her eye for color and shape. 


    SLHL: Where did you get...
