Staying Organized for the New Year

Staying Organized for the New Year

Staying organized is on the top of our New Year's resolution list and if you’re anything like us, the biggest challenge is sticking with your new year’s resolution past January 31st. To help us start (and stay) on the organization train, we’ve put together some of our best tips to help motivate you this New Year. 


Start Small

Start with one small space, work on one closet, one drawer or one area of the room at a time. This helps to eliminate the feeling of being overwhelmed and can help you make better decisions on what to keep where. 


Get Rid of It 

The best way to eliminate clutter is to get rid of it! Like Marie Kondo says, items should spark joy. If an item is not used, has not been used in a while or does not spark joy, get rid of it.  

 Here are some great places to donate items: 

Habitat for Humanity

Home Sweet Home 

Society of St. Vincent de Paul

Miriam Switching Post 

Family Forward 


Use Organization Tools

Some boxes and bins only add to the clutter, utilizing tools that help create and keep an organized environment is key to keeping away the mess.


Here are some of our favorite tools:

Modular drawer Organizers -Everything in your junk drawer now has a home 

Everything Organizer - The Container Store 


Labels - Out of sight out of mind, use labels to remember what is stored in non-see through boxes and bins

Bathroom, Linen & Laundry Room Label Set - NEAT Method

Cord organizers/management - Technology is everywhere and that means so are the cords. Use cord management organizers to help keep those pesky tangled cords at bay.  

MagWrap Magnetic Cord Organizers - The Container Store 



Celebrate your organizational successes big and small to help encourage yourself to keep up the good work. If you're cleaning your closet, reward yourself with a new sweater or pair of shoes! Organizing the kitchen? Treat yourself to a dinner out once it's all done!


Consistency is Key! 

Jennifer Barton from NEAT Method STL recommends regular maintenance on an organized space makes all the difference. If life happens and things get messy again, you should be able to reset your space in 15 minutes or less. 


Want more tips on staying organized? Check out our 2024 January/February Insider with Jennifer Barton from NEAT Method STL! 


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