
    Plantscape vs. Living Wall System


    If Beatrix Potter’s charming characters from the English countryside were to vacation in the United States, they would undoubtedly make a stop in Lauren Knight’s University City garden.


    The Missouri Botanical Garden grows about 1,000 poinsettias for its Holiday Floral Show.


    Catherine Hu, ecologist and natural science illustrator, didn’t set out to be an artist. “I’ve always enjoyed arts and crafts and being creative, but before painting plants, I never felt super inspired or motivated to do art consistently,” she reveals. Hu works full time as an ecologist, though for years she’s practiced and refined her art, painting for herself or making work she would gift to friends and family.


    Saturday, September 10th, 2022 | 10am - 3pm

    Enjoy this tour of various garden centers and residential outdoor spaces in the St. Louis area and learn how to make your landscape more beautiful and easier to maintain throughout the growing season. All proceeds from the event will go to Junior League of St. Louis!

  • House Plant Pro

    House Plant Pro

    Written By: Alison Murphy

    Bringing your greens from the outside in brightens and warms any space. Whether the rooms be big or small,...

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