Beauty in Bloom

With September comes optimal conditions for the "perfect" rose bloom.

By Catherine Martin

Photography by Tom Incrocci


Much like the cooler temperatures in May here in St. Louis, September is another great time of year to witness roses in bloom. The intensity and profuseness at which the roses bloom in September is akin to the floriferousness of the spring flush. Like most plants, there is a sweet moment in time when roses look and perform their best. The cooler temperatures that hint of a cold winter ahead and shortening of daylight initiates a response in roses similar to the warming and longer days in spring. These optimal conditions make for a stunning display of blooms after a usually very hot, humid St. Louis summer.

Garden Rosarian Matthew Norman considers fragrance in conjunction with disease resistance as his top characteristics when searching for his "perfect" rose.


A few of his favorites blooming in the rose garden in September:

 Hybrid rugosa rose, Rosa 'Therese Bugnet'

 Hybrid rugosa rose, Rosa 'Purple Pavement'

 Grandiflora rose, Rosa 'WEKebtidere'

 Shrub rose, Rosa 'Rosa Zwerg'

Shrub rose, Rosa 'Meitroni' Francis Meilland

Hybrid tea rose, Rosa 'KORpauvio' BEVERLY