Local creatives demonstrate their talents.

    Like so many ingenious ideas in this world, fractal painting originated by accident. Helene Slavin compares her discovery to the story of toasted ravioli...

    It’s a bright, breezy day, but the chickens are nervous. A hawk’s screech is stressing them out, far more so than the blowtorch roar or cement mixer growl that usually booms from Marci Davis’...

    What can you do with a hunk of clay and some splinters of glass? Michelle Hamilton, master artist and owner of Zaximo Studios, has dreamed up some very...

    With simple acrylics and an open canvas, Bryan Haynes paints life into Missouri landscapes, awakening an interpretation rooted in both the past and...

    When John Beck couldn’t find an elevated dog feeder that would work for his American Boxer, Drama, he took matters into his own hands – literally.

    He searched and searched for just the...

    Nicole (Nikki) Lemkemeier is the equivalent of two artists in one body. She is an accomplished painter, as well as a ceramic artist. She has combined these two arts into one by making painted-tile...

    Everybody knows that smell—that flavorful, permeating, eye-opening aroma wafting through places as diverse as home kitchens, restaurants, cafés, potlucks and weddings. Yes, we're talking about...

    For most young people, their parents’ purchase of a disk sander and scroll saw wouldn’t affect their lives too much, if at all. But for David Moore, David Moore Furniture, that was where his love...

    Everyone wants to be clean, but what soap should you choose? The answer doesn't matter at Herbaria, because all their handmade soaps are people friendly. Customers hop from one bar to another, to...

    Ready to boggle your mind? The new showroom of Barron Mirror Glass & Door encourages possibility thinking with all the many displays and choices for home renovators.

    “This year, in...

    “It was Jean Baptiste Carpeaux who pushed me over the edge,” says Abraham Mohler, about his decision long ago to become a sculptor. Mohler attended Arizona State University where he was a walk-on...

    “Everything here is either hot, sharp or dirty,” jokes Mike Kinnikin, describing his 12,000-square-foot metalwork shop, Eureka Forge. Mike, along with 11 other guys, spend their days at the shop...
